The Kloiber Foundation
End of 2013 Initiative
At the end of 2013, Kloiber Foundation began a new project with Fayette County Public Schools. Working closely with the Technology department for the district, we are providing grants for four amazing programs within FCPS. The programs we are choosing to support for this initiative are the STEAM Academy, the Learning Center at Linlee, theCarter G. Woodson Academy, and Opportunity Middle College.
Each of these programs provide much needed opportunities to students in Fayette county. The focus for all of these programs is to provide college and/or career readiness for students who choose to pursue an alternate, innovative approach to education. Kloiber Foundation feels it is important to support new and proven systems of education in Kentucky. Proven innovations in raising the overall education level need to be explored and implemented in order to improve our standing relative to the rest of the nation.
How exactly the grants will be utilized by the programs is still being researched and carefully constructed by dedicated teams from each institution. The focus will be on improving the technology available to the students as well as the staff. All of these programs are very tech centered, which is one of the main points garnering our attention. Every program, in their own way, makes technology and literacy thereof an integral part of their program. Some make use of a 1:1 system where each student has a device available at all times, many classes are online, many classroom experiences are enhanced and streamlined through tech usage.
While many of these approaches aren’t cheap, they do prove to be effective in raising test scores and closing performance gaps in many areas. Check back with us to keep abreast of the newest developments in this ongoing initiative.